May 30, 2018

Alright. I’ve finally gathered enough things to talk about in a journal update. First things first, there’s been the huge crisis going on in Brazil. I didn’t have school friday and this week due to the paralysis of the public transportation system. There’s been no gasoline, long lines in supermarkets. It’s been chaotic, I’ve only left home maybe three times these past few days. We had a couple of exams and projects this week, but the teachers cancelled all of them. We’ll see if we’ll have to do the missing days in July, which would really suck.

With the paralyzation of, well, pretty much everything, the DnD sessions have pretty much stopped. We switched over to Discord, did a session or two but then decided it just wasn’t practical enough. We have beginners in the group, and we can’t have a map and the dices and that really makes things harder. Plus, nobody has a good fucking mic. Our DM used his phone mic on the sessions, which made him sound like I’m listening to a 40’s radio station. We didn’t do much in the few sessions we played, besides joining the King’s Army and heading a neighbouring city.

I don’t think I expressed this sentiment in the previous journal, but lately I have been extremely invested in filmmaking, specially documentaries. Recently, I’ve watched Geno Samuel’s documentary on the life of Chris Chan and Down the Rabbit Hole, among some other video essays available on Youtube. One that really caught my attention was “The Chamberlain Paradox: A Counterintuitive Case Study”, by MDJ. It’s an interesting little concept, and as someone that likes to watch, read and write about sports, It’s something that should stick to your mind when analyzing tactical aspects. A good watch, overall. I’ve been thinking about doing my own video essays, even a documentary, but I have zero knowledge of video editing software and the ideas just haven’t appeared yet. Still, something I might do in the future.

Recently, I’ve also uploaded another writing piece entitled “Interview”. You should check it out, it’s a quick read, like always, haha.

Today, I also started taking French lessons on Duolingo. Given how I already speak two languages, I figured i’d might as well start learning new languages. Once I’m done with every lesson on Duolingo, I’m gonna purchase some books in French and try to read that.

The RP sessions kinda just stopped.

Anyhow, this has been another Journal update, and I’ll see y’all next time.